Studio Policies

Student expectations

Parental Involvement

For a child to succeed at the piano it takes dedication from the teacher, the student, and the parent. No matter the age of the child, a supportive and involved parent is crucial. Parents of very young children should come to lessons and guide practice sessions. This direct involvement will be tapered off as the child ages and progresses. I also would love parents (and students) to communicate with me regularly so I am aware of how lessons and practicing are going and so I can make sure we are progressing towards the students goals. I want students to enjoy the piano! I hope parents will keep open communication with me so I can ensure that happens.

Performance Opportunities

Our studio has two required recitals per year, one in October and one in March. Students will play 1–2 pieces from memory for the recitals and/or duets which are not memorized. We are also participate in the 8 piano Monster Concert in May.

One-hour group lessons will be held twice per semester after school hours. Group lessons are mandatory during Fall and Spring semesters and normally replace the private lesson for that week. Group lessons are usually scheduled by age, so family members may not be in the same lesson. If schedule conflicts arise, I may switch students to a different group, but I encourage them to come with their age so that they can be inspired by other pianists their age.

I believe group lessons are so valuable and add so much to piano study! These lessons give students the opportunity to socialize with other good pianists their age and practice performing in a less intimidating setting. We are able to work on musical concepts that we don’t always address in lessons. I try and make them fun and always have a treat so that students will have a good time. Group lessons are part performance class and part additional musical training, with select group lessons focusing solely on performance or something else. Each student will perform one or two pieces for the class. Other training consists of ensemble playing, games, and instruction in music theory, history, and other musical concepts. 

Students are also encouraged, but not required, to participate in festivals and/or competitions. I participate in the Federation and AIM programs and will let interested students know of these and other upcoming events. I am willing to participate in any other programs in which students are interested. Most of these events have small fees for which the student is responsible.

Summer Lessons

To guarantee a spot in my studio for Fall Semester 2025, students must have eight lessons during the summer, six private and two group. Students will pay tuition at the monthly rate for two of the three summer months. ($120/month for 30 minute lessons, $180/month for 45 minute lessons)

Tuition and fees

Tuition is due the first week of the semester. If you choose to pay monthly, payment is due by the 10th of each month to avoid a $15 late fee. When you sign up for lessons, you are signing up for the entire semester. You are responsible for payment of the full semester even if you quit or miss lessons. Students are encouraged to switch lesson times with other students if they will need to miss a lesson. 

Tuition for Fall Semester 2024 (14 lessons)

Tuition for Spring Semester 2025 (18 lessons)

Individual Lessons

Due at our Pizza Party group lesson in August is a $45 registration/borrowing fee for all students who would like to borrow method books from me. This fee covers the cost of recital hall rentals and various music supplies as well as allowing you to borrow method, sight-reading and technique books from me and be provided with theory books. The registration fee for students not using my method books is $30 and still allows them to borrow sight-reading books. 


All students should have an acoustic piano in good working condition (tuned at least annually) at their own home. A good digital piano is acceptable, but students should plan on purchasing an acoustic piano as soon as possible. A keyboard is not acceptable. Students also need a metronome. I will provide a notebook and binder for each student.

All students are required to purchase their own copies of solo and concerto festival songs/books. All students level E1 and above must also purchase their own duet books for duet festival. Students who are not borrowing method books from me must purchase their own method books and repertoire pieces. I often purchase music for students and am reimbursed or will send parents a link to purchase music online.